Living Sustainably

We think that living sustainably is complicated and expensive but we can make small changes that are easy to achieve and cost very little. 
In the upcoming weeks, I will be sharing with you easy tips and most of all cost-effective tips to help you live sustainably.

Tip 1

Driving around my country, I’ve seen elaborate gardens to simple container gardens on terraces. Have you ever thought about the impact your plants have on the environment?

Next time you think of adding a new plant to your garden, be sure to invest in native plants instead of imported plants. Native plants require less water, fertilizers and pesticides. This is because they are already designed specifically for our tropical climate. 
We have an abundance of shrubs, flowers and trees that will thrive with little or no help. 

Let your home be an environmentally responsible space. Can you imagine if everyone on your street did this and then everyone on your neighbourhood did this? 

You would have succeeded in reducing the carbon footprint in your community.

There are simple ways we can adapt to climate change.

Join me in adapting to climate change.


(“Home Vegetable Gardens - Google Search”)
(“Kitchen Gardens - Google Search”)


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