Plastic Pollutes at Every Step of its Life.
Most of us are aware of the negative impact of plastic because of the many public converations which have narrowly focused on plastic pollution in the oceans. However, the negative impact of plastic is far greater. Plastic pollutes at every step of its life.
A brief synopsis
Plastics are made from fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and coal. The extraction of fossil fuels have seen oil spills and underwater pollution.
Converting fossil fuel to plastic feedstock require large chemical processing plants which emit harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
Many plastics contain chemical additives that leak back into our food and water. BPA, which is an endocrine disruptor, is found in many plastics.
Only 9% of plastics are actually recycled. There is a lot of single use plastic with no recycled content. All this plastuc ends up in landfills and in our water, contaminating organisms at the base of the foodchain.
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